Virtual 1:1 Personal Training Payment
I, the undersigned, agree that, as a client, customer or guest of a customer of Exy-Fable (Bree Turner) in customer’s home, various parks, gyms or other locations (“Turner”), all exercise, training and other physical activity that I do, will be at my sole risk. I do hereby release and forever discharge Turner, from any and all claims, causes of action and liabilities for any personal injury, including death, that I may suffer or illness that I may contract as a result of my activities, using my own or Turner’s equipment and at her direction.
If I have a medical or physical problem or condition which may interfere with or be aggravated by my activities, I agree to disclose Turner the nature of that problem or condition and to provide her with a signed and currently dated medical release from my physician stating any restrictions or limitations, if any, on the activities that I may undertake. Whether or not I make that disclosure and provide the medical release will not effect the release I have given to Turner, as stated herein.
This Release shall be binding on myself, my heirs, executors, personal representatives, agents and assigns.
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